Today is a 10/10 “portal day”.
What does this mean?
Portals are openings where energy comes streaming in.
This week we have had some powerful back to back to back X-class solar flares (X9, X7 and several X1’s and X2’s), several within the last few days. Today the energetic impact (shockwave) arrives. One that even mainstream media sources wrote about.
At the present moment as I write this, we are at a severe level K8 geomagnetic storm.
A thing to note about solar flares and geomagnetic storms… the solar flares send a wake up call that then shakes the shit out of our energy fields. The ramifications of this are many (insane fatigue, anxiety, irritability, headaches, nausea and other gi upsets). The reason is consciousness upgrades.
And the shockwave has arrived.
Think of it as a Teacher, who throws the book at your head at an impossible speed.
You can be unaware and get drilled with it.
Or, you can become aware and know how to catch it instead.
Humanity, as a whole, has fallen from the top of the Spiritual Tree of life, and a good majority have hit every single "idiot branch" on the way down. Luckily, there are a few who are again climbing that tree to regain our spiritual dignity and are trying to clean up the mess others have made.
These people are our lightworkers.
This information is for you to know and understand, that if you are struggling right now, there is a reason, and the reason is to liberate you from what you are repressing within. Sad thing is, we are so dang skilled at hiding from our own stuff, we need to be grabbed and shaken vigorously in order for us to face down our own crap.
Medicating ourselves with various acceptable addictions will not work. In fact, you may find that it begins making matters even worse, as it will not give you the ease it used to. All medicine, even Earth medicine, has a shadow aspect.
October is a 9 month, which means something is coming to an end.
What that end is may be showing itself to you this month.
The fake/illusory is separating itself from the true (and this is different for each and every one of us).
Personal responsibility and integrity are required, as are loving and compassionate hearts.
To not have these things, lands you straight on the karma bus.
Use this energy to your advantage.
Do good things for yourself.
Love and listen to others in non-judgement, even though this is a time where media pushes the divide.
Speak less, listen more.
Practice self-awareness.
Practice patience.
And get outside in the dark and look up.
As rough as these flares and geomagnetic storms can be on our bodies and emotions, the beautiful picture it paints upon the night sky is breathtaking.
With Love,
Becky Costello, Psychic Medium
*Aurora picture courtesy of my son, in Fairbanks Alaska