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Writer's picture Becky Costello

A Thank You to Our Country’s Veterans

Many of you may not know that I am incredibly patriotic. There are several reasons for this.

Many of you may not realize why today matters.

11/11 of any year is what we “weirdos” call a portal day because of the repeating numbers as they tend to add an emphasized energy to the day.

And there is also something even more important about this day...

Veteran’s Day became so because on this day in 1918, World War I ended… in the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month. Lots of significance to those 1’s and 11’s.

11:11 is often the number of Spiritual Initiation and great change. Take note if you see it often!

Today I would like to honor a specific group of humans (and their service canines!!).

The ones who selflessly serve our country and sacrifice, so others do not have to. And also their families and loved ones who miss them.

All veterans gave something. And today I honor all of those who have served our country in the Armed Forces at any point.

For those of you who have gratitude for the peace I have given you, it is a veteran, a Marine as a matter of fact, that you can thank. His name was Tim, or Snakepilot… but I called him Jarhead. Just a few days ago marked 12 years that he has been serving as my spirit guide. And boy, the things he has given me from the other side are astounding.

He was the first veteran I ever got to know deeply, and he taught me the impact of PTSD after serving in combat himself. I could see what he couldn't speak. I got to serve him as he was dying of cancer, being there as a friend, a nurse, and a spiritual mentor. What I gave him pales in comparison to what he has given me since his passing.

He was the first person I “came out" to about my abilities. Coming out about that shit to a Marine is really intimidating. Surprisingly, he was incredibly receptive and even philosophical in his own right, and we grew very close in all things spiritual and Native American.

And in early 2021, he gave me something I never saw coming… The gift of Elk Medicine, to give me the strength to endure this last year as he must have known I was gonna need it.

One of his dying wishes was that I never stop what I do because it brought him so much comfort.

I promised him I would continue this work in his honor.

In many of my sessions with fellow veterans he has come through to offer peace and support.

And during these sessions I have met some incredible people. And these people endured more than you can imagine. And yet they found the ability to survive and go on.

These people are incredibly inspiring to me.

Today I would like to honor all of you who are serving or have served our country.

I honor my father-in-law Mike, an Army Veteran. Mike in turn inspired a very young man who then wanted to serve his own country since he was in middle school.

I honor my friend Tim, the Jarhead, my Spirit Guide.

My friend Chris’ dad, a fellow Marine, who in spirit, taught me Native American things with his daughter.

My uncle John, a Marine who pops through from time to time and gave me the courage to reach out to my cousin, who is now my sister from another mister... and his daughter was also born on this day and is just as patriotic as me! (Hi Kate!! Happy Birthday!!)

Sam, the baddest-ass chicky I know!!

Brian, who is now serving our country in another way (congrats!!).

Tyler who is serving in Korea.

And there are countless others who have allowed me in their hearts in some way.

And most importantly, I honor MY son who enlisted, active duty, as a minor because he was inspired by his grandpa to serve our country.

Despite the fact I miss you every day, your dad and I grow more and more proud of the brave young man you have become. You are brave like your father, nuts like me!

To all of you who are serving or have served our country,

I Thank You from the bottom of my grateful heart.

With Love,

Becky Costello, Psychic Medium

Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing

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