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Oct 2024: Rebellious Recalibration

Writer's picture:  Becky Costello Becky Costello

I know it’s been forever since I wrote anything for you all.

I think I have been in a cocoon of sorts, melting down and hadn’t really figured out what I am morphing into.

Yet, I can’t help feel this time is very important in our lives.


I know it sounds strange, but doesn’t it feel like some sort of “new life” is percolating out there?

Like the lives we had lived up until this point are slowly becoming detached or dismantled?

What we thought we wanted, we find disappointment in, or we find ourselves standing there going WTF.

We feel things are changing yet cannot put our fingers on it.


Here we stand, on a crux of a new beginning.

As individuals.

As a collective.


There are some astrological events that are slated to influence this shift.


Oct 2nd, 2024 Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Libra

Moon conjunct Mercury and Black Moon Lilith is an empowered and rebellious energy to start anew.

The energy of Libra/Venus places focus on our relationships, alliances and our quest for inner peace.

Sometimes to find inner peace, a little chaos must come to stir the pot.

New Moon: hidden

Mercury: communication and expression

Black Moon Lilith: rebellion

Conjunction: merges all of these energies



October and into mid-November, there may feel like a clash of energy as the “old” energies of control, face off with the “new” energies of freedom and liberation.  Interesting that the U.S. election just happens to fall in the middle of that.


Personally, we may feel this too… this back and forth motion from old crap and new ways of wanting to be and live in the world.

Pluto, the planet of transformation and the subconscious realms, moves into Aquarius, the freedom seeker, on Nov 19th. We are already feeling these energies, but as it goes direct again in Capricorn the second week of Oct, there will be a power-grab by the old energies of control and fear. Pay it no mind… cuz its dying ideologies.

The next 20 years will have a heavy influence of freedom, liberation and shadow work. Pluto likes to go deep into the ocean of emotions. It compels us to explore more deeply. Pluto breaks through illusions in search of the truth, to reveal vulnerable areas that need healing and fears that need to be taken out.

However, on this pursuit of liberating ourselves, we must understand how to do so responsibly… meaning, don’t go blowing shit up out of our own reactivity.


It’s a good time to slow your roll a bit.

It’s a time for introspection, as those things/people you thought you wanted or knew, may flip on you.

During this month, it’s best to hone your listening skills, and be very clear about your own inner bullshit and how it skews our interpretation of how we perceive things.


This month wants something to come to an end (control and fear)… in our individual lives but also as a collective.

This is a great time for inner work and reflection.

Because of the intensity, our listening skills may be hampered by the energy. We may be prone to reactivity and we must be diligent about using responsiveness instead.

Carefully speak your truth, as the energy may get volatile at times.


Observe your self-expression… Are you being vulnerable and authentic?

It is time to heal soul wounds. Relationships  help us see things we may not want to see. Relationships serve a purpose to help us heal the deep divide within.

It behooves us to remember that and instead of projecting outward, spend a little extra time on reflection.

With Love,

Becky Costello, Psychic Medium

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