Over the last several months, I have been in a place of trying to reconnect with what is sacred to me… and that includes a few of my Soul Sisters. I have had major trust issues to work through, and due to a few stellar people, I have found the ability to work through it and learn to enjoy being vulnerable again. What you do not know about me is my wall is very thick, and for a long time I felt rather alone. Today, as I write this, I pay homage to the people that elevated my heart… not just my clients, but my Soul Family.
I have missed partnerships with other people... whether it is in the healing sector, or simply just hanging out with my bestie Chris and doing Shamanic things that her father taught her. She taught me how to make medicine bags, and even shared some of her father’s items with me, that we cherished. I used some of these items to share with my own father.
My husband, who is my best friend and my ass-kicker when I need to be redirected. He helps me to see where I limit myself. He inspires me by showing me what it is to be vulnerable and what courage looks like in the face of healing. He is my warrior.
I’ve began to love being a psychic again, after feeling I didn’t know if I could go on. I came to understand that when one doesn’t practice self care, you burn up a bit when channeling this high frequency energy. There is such a thing as energy sickness.
I have found my Soul Spark again thanks to my “soul brother” who, simply out of happenstance, allowed me to be me, authentically weird in all of my magic. I cannot even tell you how this has changed my life. I found myself longing to do my spiritual work, my meditation and shamanic journeying, that had fallen by the wayside for many, many years.
And my friend Donna, who allows me to come play at her house and we make these most beautiful cards I have ever seen! She has an eye for beauty and color and I love that she humors me when I have picked out some of the ugliest shit! Thank goodness one of us has a clue!
Then there are my girls Krissy and Steph.
Krissy started as a client, however, she is no different than I , equally talented as an intuitive. What’s even better is that she does this thing called Human Design, which is basically like your soul’s blueprint. You want to understand WHO you are, ask her! I have never met anyone that helped me to accept who I am at the core in the way that she showed me.
And Stephy I have known for many, many moons. We ran in the same spiritual circle many years back. She had no idea how much I loved her energy back then and how I wanted to be her friend because there was something familiar about her that made me feel safe. Steph is a Reiki Master and she uses essential oils in a way that is so beautiful and soothing. Her touch with the application of the oils is something very unique to her, and frankly, it’s addicting! Her love and understanding of animals is also something very special about her. She set out on her journey to be a healer because of how much she wanted to help our furry friends.
My friend Kathy has been with me for many years, acting as my assistant and friend. I have worked out of her office in Owatonna for years and trained her to be a psychic medium as well. Over the last several years, we have both taken the time to process details in our personal lives and now, we are finding our way back together again for readings and events! For both of us, it has given us a feeling of excitement and renewal as we missed working together so much! And if you haven’t heard of Kathy’s Moon Rituals you should inquire!! She takes a “witchy-woo” approach to using the moon cycles to create goodness in your life. It is so much fun!
And Tena, the most talented therapist I have ever known. Her use of hypnosis to heal deep wounds finally helped me to put the pieces of my life together (and past lives!!) that I didn’t know were impacting my present-day life. Her soothing voice and intuitive approach help to cut through the crap and find emotional resolution.
To all of you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving my life meaning and purpose, and to my Soul Tribe, I love you!
We’re baaaack!!
With my friend Kathy by my side, I will be back doing in-person sessions again in Owatonna!
I have the following dates available at the moment:
**(if you already have a phone/Zoom session booked, please refrain from changing to in-person as it is a different booking system!!)
Saturday Aug 7th from 9am to 1pm
Saturday Sept 4th from 9am to 1pm
Saturday Sept 25th from 9am to 1pm
If you are interested in an in-person session, please contact Kathy at
507-531-1181 (text or call)
Ask her about her moon rituals!
** please allow her a few days to get back to you as she is currently on vacation!
Fellow Healers In My Tribe:
Krissy McCabe, Psychic Medium, Human Design
** For more info on Human Design, please copy/paste this link
Stephanie Lindenfelser, Sacred Soul Healing, Reiki Master
Tena Roethle, LCSW, Hypnosis, DBT, CBT and mindfulness techniques
Kathy Schumacher, Intuitive and Moon Magic Ceremonies