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Welcome to 2025: Dragons are Real (Part 1)

Writer's picture:  Becky Costello Becky Costello

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated with Dragons. The very first tattoo I got at 18 was a dragon serpent... if I would have known just how pertinent that would become all of these years later, I may have reconsidered!

But here we are, wrapping up a year and preparing to welcome a new one that promises to bring a massive shift of energy into this country (and the world). For those of you curious about what I am talking about, look up the power of the Heyoka.... the Sacred Clown creates change by behaving "differently" so that healing occurs.

2025 will have a wingdinger of a kick to it. In this post, I wish to educate you on a certain type of energy. You will find it to be an undercurrent to the upcoming year.

However, there are also Humans who carry this medicine within them and they are the wayshowers for the new path being forged. They learned to become and walk a certain way and are to step forward and help others follow suit. This is the new way of living and we need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.  

However, those of us who have this medicine, will understand the path to understanding and accepting it is an arduous one.


What is this Energy?


This energy isn’t like other energy.

It’s powerful, enlightening and, well.... frightening.

Those of you who possess it may notice others may be uncomfortable around you if they do not have their energetic shit together or have not done the healing work. They are magnets for resistant ones because their light pierces through walls like butter forcing you to see what you fear.

Humans with this energy are more advanced in regard to harnessing the Greater Power (Source connected). But, early on, you have no clue what is happening and it really sucks.


When one first wakes up to this energy, it is really fricking uncomfortable.

Relationships crumble, and you will feel it is your fault or that there is something about you that repels others. You may ask yourself why others don’t like you or you may feel like you are a bad person and don’t deserve to be loved. It can cause you to want to isolate and you will become critical of yourself. Others may even make comments or behave in ways towards you that cause you to believe there is something wrong with you.

When you put boundaries in place, you are labeled as “difficult”. When you call people out on their shit, it likely isn’t taken very well. This is the energy that stirs the pot at best,or shakes the shit out of foundations and sends them to the ground at worst.

For those of you with this medicine, please know we do have a responsibility to learn how to work with it. But also, we need to understand why we are here, and that reason is to create/initiate change, and not everyone likes that.

When you accept this, a lot will change for you. This medicine is not a fault, it is a gift.

It gives empowerment through destroying fascades. It illuminates by burning shit to the ground. It gives you the life you didn't know you wanted or dreamed of. It knows better that the small human does.


This energy is huge, expansive and because of this, it can perceive much that is unseen, and this makes those who carry this energy incredibly (painfully) sensitive to the energies of others. And it makes others sensitive to you. Many who try to hide crap will be uncomfortable around people who carry this medicine because they can see what you are trying to hide. Depending on the dragon's mood, it may play with you to notify you of this discovery.... or grab you by the throat.


It’s power is its presence.

It can see through lies, and can peer into the depths of one’s soul, and see what you try to hide.

It can heal or destroy based on what comes out of its mouth.

Can you understand why others may be uncomfortable?? But can you also see how this can be a gift if they are capable of accepting it?


When you become one with this powerful medicine, you will honor the way you show up in the world. No, others may not be happy about it. Honoring this quality within you is important because then you will not be so sensitive as to whether people like you or not. You will not tolerate disrespect because someone lacks awareness of their own bullshit. A violation of boundaries may lead the person to getting burned (or eaten whole).


This medicine is Soul medicine and it takes care of life for you. It moves out what needs to go. It digs up what needs to be seen and it doesn’t give a shit how you feel. You (ego self) do not have a say. Relationships, jobs, feelings… it all gets dug up, weighed and measured for its value. It does this to make space for itself. This energy is not small and requires a vast amount of room to settle in.


In 2025, there will be a very different energy afoot…

I encourage you to befriend the energy of the Dragons… or they may eat you for lunch.



Becky Costello, Psychic Medium

Dancing Elk Shamanic Healing

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